Call for candidates! Feminist Climate Ambassadors 2021

CALL FOR CANDIDATES! Are you a #FeministClimateAmbassador?

We are looking for feminist climate activists, changemakers, herstory influencers and community leaders to join the Feminist Climate Ambassadors training programme, with study trips – should the Covid-19 pandemic allow so – to Brussels and Glasgow. 

This online training is a part of the Feminists in the Climate Movement project, organised by GEF and its supporting partners Educational Centre Visio (Finland), Green Economics Institute (UK), Oikos (Belgium) and Fundacja Strefa Zieleni (Poland). The project promotes the growth of the green feminist movement across Europe.

Twenty ambassadors from across Europe will be appointed to participate in the six-month training program free of charge. The training starts at the end of March and has monthly online meetings, culminating in study trips to the European Parliament and Ecopolis in Brussels and COP26 in Glasgow in October-November. We encourage all ages and backgrounds to apply!

Do you have what it takes?

– You are passionate about making change
– You are engaged in concrete action to promote sustainability, ideally with a gender equality lens
– You wish to learn about advocacy, networking and campaigning
– You want to identify and pursue your personal advocacy goals
– You want to raise awareness for your cause
– You want to meet other feminists working on similar projects in their regions

As an ambassador, you will receive…

☝️ Training by international experts, facilitators and political leaders to define and achieve your own advocacy ambitions
☝️ The possibility to develop your projects with an established mentor – industry leader, politician, campaign specialist, NGO leader…
☝️ A toolkit to support your own work in your local project
☝️ Support and visibility for your own goals via the Feminist Climate Ambassadors network
☝️ Opportunity to participate in COP26 in Glasgow or visit the European Parliament and Ecopolis event in Brussels – travel and accommodation is covered by the training programme for one study trip per participant 
☝️ The right to use the title #FeministClimateAmbassador

Training activities:

  • Virtual training day 1 on Saturday March 27th 2021 (compulsory)
  • Webinar on Sunday March 28th 2021 (participation encouraged, recording will be available)
  • Webinar on Thursday April 8th 2021 (participation encouraged, recording will be available)
  • Virtual training day 2 on Saturday April 24th 2021 (compulsory)
  • Webinar on Saturday 8th May 2021 (participation encouraged, recording will be available)
  • Virtual training day 3 on Saturday 22nd May 2021 (compulsory)
  • Virtual training day 4 on Saturday 19th June 2021 (participation encouraged, no recording)
  • Webinar on Saturday 28th August 2021 (participation encouraged, recording will be available)
  • Virtual training day 5 on Saturday 4th September 2021 (compulsory)
  • Virtual training day 6 on Saturday 25th September 2021 (compulsory)
  • One study trip – should the Covid-19 pandemic allow –, either to the European Parliament and Ecopolis event in Brussels (22-24 October 2021) or COP26 in Glasgow (beginning of November)
  • As a participant to the Feminist Climate Ambassador training, you will also have the opportunity to attend a 3-day climate & feminism summer school free of charge on August (not compulsory.)

Deadline for submitting applications is March 10th 2021 at 12 (noon) CET. Applications will be reviewed by a jury of experts. Selected ambassadors will be contacted by March 15th 2021. Training will start on Saturday March 27th 2021 with a kick-off meeting. The virtual working space will open on April 1st, and will be available for the duration of the training for networking and exchanging ideas with fellow ambassadors and trainers. 

Application link


This project is organised by the Green European Foundation with the support ofVisio, Green Economics Institute, Oikos, FundacjaStrefaZieleniandwith the financial support of the European Parliament to the Green European Foundation.


